Monday, February 24, 2014

AHW 2/24/14

The Electric Fence
An electric fence is a great idea, but when you think about it from an animal's point of view - not so much. Imagine you are a dog who is always cooped up in a kennel and your owner lets you outside to run freely for the first time ever. Immediately you make a bolt for it. You start running towards the edge of the property when you feel a sharp and hurting shock in your back. You jump back in surprise and trot towards the house cowering at the thought of even stepping foot on the lawn. You are a human again and you now know why not to get an electric fence.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your writing you tell it from both sides. I also can relate when you say its not a good idea from a animals point of veiw.

    Shin Be
