Sunday, May 31, 2015

AHW 5/31/15

Hey everyone!!! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while!!! I have just so busy with school and swimming.... Tell me what have you been up to?? Good, or bad stuff?? Fun or boring stuff? Comment below to replay.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

AHW 5/21/15

Short story
I am a girl who has many hobbies. I like to swim read and play with my little sisters. Sam, and Anna. But there are many things about me that the world does not know. And which I am not going to say out loud. Everyone has secrets. But it is those who are willing to share them that matter. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

AHW 5/20/15

Book Review for Smile:
This book is so great. Before I read this book I had never read a graphic novel. And now that I have read it I am into graphic novels. It is so great. I read it in about 30 minutes because I couldn't put it down. I LOVE THIS BOOK💗💗💗💗

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

AHW 5/13/15

Do you understand this??
 It took me a while to figure out.....

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

AHW 5/12/15

Script for River Rouge:
Group 2


M: a calm and relaxing place

Kris falls

Olivia H: This is awesome

(Theme music)dun du du dun dun a dun dun

J: The river rouge, a great place for a field trip (must be enthusiastic)

A: An adventurous journey through... Wait, huh, a filthy river!?

T: Why a FILTHY river?

O: It's our job to keep it healthy, but we aren't doing our best.

M: The river rouge is OUR water shed!

J: And we are Michigan citizens.

T: And therefore we can do anything.

O: And that means we can clean the river, and keep it healthy!

A: And plus it's FUN! And knowing you helped the River should make you happy.

J: Let's talk about the stations you can do, they're really fun!

M: Well, there's chemicals, where you get to test the water for dissolved oxygen, Ph, phosphate, nitrate, fecal coliform, temperature and turbidity.

T: Those are some big words, what other stations are there?

J: Physical, you get to go in the water and test the water for speed, depth, width, temperature and shape.

O: Are there any other stations? How many are there in all?

T: There are 3 different stations, and they are all really cool!

A: well, the final station is benthics. It may sound weird, but in this station, you test for bugs!

O: how?

A: well, you take a net and collect bugs and other organisms. Then you sort through them. 

T: how does this help the River?

M: We sort the organisms by if they're tolerant to pollution, who are not as tolerant to pollution but not to bad, and ones that can't stand pollution.

J: And if the strong ones start to die off we know that the River is not healthy, and the medium tolerance organisms, and the no tolerance organisms, it depends on what's dying off.

O: Ok! Let's look at some pictures.

A: This is one of people at the chemical station.

  T: this is one of people at the physical station 

M: And last the benthics station.

All: We hope your school chooses the River rouge as their next field trip!

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, May 7, 2015

AHW 5/7/15

Pen Pal letter
Hi Tina,
It is so nice to meet you! I have always wanted to have a pen pal from across the world. And now you have helped make me achieve that goal. I am so happy we are pen pals and I hope we can sometime meet in person. 

I like swimming and running. I am on a swim team called BBD or Birmingham Blue Dolphins. Are you on any teams? My favorite  color is pink. I also LOVE steak and ribs. Do you have any favorite foods?

When I grow up I want to be a Olympic swimmer, a doctor, or the president. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

AHW 5/6/15

Facts about jewelry:
One plastic card might not seem like much but one analysis found that little card with PVC translates into a carbon footprint of 21 g or the amount of gasketed to drive you home or 150 feet. Did you know according to the national retail Federation the predictedspending on the cards this year is $2,000,000,000.79. And nearly 60% of the respondents to their October 2012 gift card pool cleaned it actually like to receive the cards this year. Into thousand six the staggering 80 billion dollars worth of gift cards were sold in the US where the piece of plastic accompanying nearly every purchase.    
You could help by trying to stop the flow of gift cards and not using as much. You could also help with the flow of gift cards streaming into landfills by help supporting ZINC jewelry we make jewelry out of the used his card and very sustainable because we are saving gift card by not throwing them out you are reusing them into something beautiful. ZINC is working with project cope to raise money to set up a penpal system it with our friends in Zambia. We hope to set up a kind of community from across the globe because we really understand each other and we feel empathy towards each other I think that really helps when you're helping people across the world. 6190 gift cards at 8.5 cm each is equal to 5.15 km every laid them lengthwise next to each other. That's a lot of gift cards! Recently several companies had made tried to reduce PVC consumption. And July 2007 Target began using bio pasta gift cards made with the corn-based substance called Mirel made by Metabolix. This way they make all their stores more sustainable and they're not wasting as much grief resources. Come check  out Zynga jewelry located at Birmingham Covington School.we are located in Bloomfield Hills Michigan and we are in the Birmingham school district. Call me and check out our business and support ZINC Jewlery.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AHW 5/5/15

"The world would be a better place if" is a question that pops into your head atleast once of twice in your life. It is not one that you will constantly walk around asking people but one that is more one that you will ask yourself. When I get confronted with a question like that it is one that I will sometimes have a hard time answering. But, I do have a answer for it now. Would you like to hear it?

It all started a few days ago. It was a Thursday and I was sitting in sixth period (Social Studies) well my teacher was going on and on about this "Reflections Program." Now at first when I heard about this program I thought Wow that sounds so cool! I totally have to try that! But then I remembered that I was in the sixth grade with loads of homework waiting to be completed on my desk at home. There was no way I would be able to get it done in time. But then my teacher said these 3 words. This. Is. Required. Suddenly I was staring up at him with my jaw hanging open and my eyes bulging out words. Like I was some sort of wide eyed, open mouth bug. 

About 10 minutes later the bell rang letting off a short " Bing, bing, bing" that could be heard through the entire school. I walked over to my friend who was packing her stuff up carefully placing her things in a pyramid shape so it would be easier to carry. 
"So what are you going to do for the reflections project?" She asked me picking up her stuff as she walked towards the door. I gave her a half hearted shrug and looked away. I was still worried that I would not have enough time to do the project. 
"So?" She asked again I could tell by the seriousness in her voice that she wanted an answer.
" I don't know but I will figure it out" I replied. I typed in the number to open locker and shoved by books into the bottom letting them fall into the locker in a un orderly fasion. I closed my locker with a click and walked away.

Now, if you are reading this right now you are probably thinking, "so why isn't this girl answering the question?" Well I am getting to that. But now let's skip up a little bit and set the seen for a Sunday afternoon. In my bedroom.

I was lying on my bed reading a book called Wonder one Sunday afternoon when a thought suddenly popped into my head "reflections program." 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

AHW 5/3/15

Mrs. Roberts song
I have to admit you're pretty cool you're my favorite teacher at the schoolyou like hobnobs and chocolates have fun in your new office. 
You are a great teacher that sure is true, everyone hear who really miss you. But, there is one last thing I gotta say before the end of your very last day. 

I'll miss u every day when ur around when ur away x3
I'll miss u everyday well it away

End I hope I can see u every day that's all I got to say