Wednesday, January 15, 2014

AHW 1/15/13

Year-Round Schools
By Megan

No, I do not think we should year-round schools because they are just as good in learning and are just about the same amount of days as regular schools. “We found that students in year-round schools learn more during the summer, when others are on vacation, but they seem to learn less than other children during the rest of the year,” said Paul von Hippel (Ohio State Research.) The main reason that people don't normally switch over to year round schools is because you are not adding very much days, if at all to regular school. I like a lot of days off at a time but when I get back to school I always have to get back into the routine I was in before school started.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want year round school. The children that go to year round schools learn less than us.
