Tuesday, May 12, 2015

AHW 5/12/15

Script for River Rouge:
Group 2


M: a calm and relaxing place

Kris falls

Olivia H: This is awesome

(Theme music)dun du du dun dun a dun dun

J: The river rouge, a great place for a field trip (must be enthusiastic)

A: An adventurous journey through... Wait, huh, a filthy river!?

T: Why a FILTHY river?

O: It's our job to keep it healthy, but we aren't doing our best.

M: The river rouge is OUR water shed!

J: And we are Michigan citizens.

T: And therefore we can do anything.

O: And that means we can clean the river, and keep it healthy!

A: And plus it's FUN! And knowing you helped the River should make you happy.

J: Let's talk about the stations you can do, they're really fun!

M: Well, there's chemicals, where you get to test the water for dissolved oxygen, Ph, phosphate, nitrate, fecal coliform, temperature and turbidity.

T: Those are some big words, what other stations are there?

J: Physical, you get to go in the water and test the water for speed, depth, width, temperature and shape.

O: Are there any other stations? How many are there in all?

T: There are 3 different stations, and they are all really cool!

A: well, the final station is benthics. It may sound weird, but in this station, you test for bugs!

O: how?

A: well, you take a net and collect bugs and other organisms. Then you sort through them. 

T: how does this help the River?

M: We sort the organisms by if they're tolerant to pollution, who are not as tolerant to pollution but not to bad, and ones that can't stand pollution.

J: And if the strong ones start to die off we know that the River is not healthy, and the medium tolerance organisms, and the no tolerance organisms, it depends on what's dying off.

O: Ok! Let's look at some pictures.

A: This is one of people at the chemical station.

  T: this is one of people at the physical station 

M: And last the benthics station.

All: We hope your school chooses the River rouge as their next field trip!

Sent from my iPad

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