Chapter 1
My name is Alice, I am 13 years old and I go to barren high school in Miami florida. Today is my first day of school and I am shaking all over. My hands are getting sweaty and I wipe them on my jumper that my mom had just bought for me a few days ago. Entering the school building was horrible. All I did the entire te was keep my head down and go straight to my teacher mrs. Winger's classroom. Where already I saw who the popular kids were. There she was reena Reginald and her posey standing by Lann Barr, her "boyfriend " as people called him these days. Reena glared at me as I walked into the classroom and sat in a seat closest to the teachers desk as possible. Just as the bell was supposed to ring Reena stutter over to me "Up" she said motioning for me to stand up. I glared at her and with one nasty snort I growled " no Reena leave me alone" This is when everything went wrong, Lann came over to back up Reena with her fight for the chair. "Sorry Alice" she laughed "but pimple faced weirdos like you belong in the back of the classroom, were no one has to actually look at you." I could feel to tears welling up in my eyes. "Just leave my alone!" I shouted. "Lann, would you please remove this geek from the premis before her neediness gets rubbed off on my radiant beauty" "yes dear" Lann replied and without a thought in his head he picked me up and through me down on the ground a searing pain raced up my ankle and the tears finally came. I stood up and hobbled over to the seat farthest away from the front of the class and buried my head in my hands. That was day 1 of my high school journeyChapter 2.
After that I knew that Reena and Lann would for ever be my high school enemy's. You see Reena and I used to be best friends. We used to go over to each other's house after school, we always wanted to be together in project, and let's just say before Reena left I had no pimples at all. Anyway, later that day I ,was going to get in the lunch lady line since I needed to buy lunch. "Thanks!" I said sarcastically to the lunch lady as she set a big glob of I don't even know what on my plate. Now came the hard part, finding a place to sit. I walked over to a what looked like empty spot but just when I was going to sit down "sorry someone it sitting here" said a girl with curly blond hair. "Ok" I responded. I walked over to another table and just when I was going to sit down "sorry this seat is reserved " "oh, um pardon me" I said and as I walked away I heard laughter from the girls I had just been rejected from. " Come sit with us!" A voice called. I turned around to find a girl that went to my middle school. Her name was Kaitlin, and I had always thought she was kind of brainy and I did not really tend to hang with that crowd. I sat down next to her.
"Alex right?" She asked.
"Actually, it is Alice."
"Oh, Kaitlin, nice to meet you"
"Um you to" I stuttered
"So your the girl everyone has been talking about" she said
"Sure." I agreed not wanting to make a bad impression on my new friend.
Chapter 3
After the weird encounter with Kaitlin at lunch I decided to not speak until spoken to. So that I would not draw anymore attention to myself then was needed. My next class was chemistry. Great! I hate chemistry so I am sure this will be fun.
I walked into the class and sat down at one of the lab tables towards to back. I was just getting out the materials that the teacher had written on the board when a kid I had never seen before walked into the room. He had dirty blond hair that was brushed to the side at a perfect angle, dark green eyes, and he was wearing a varsity football jacket. (All these things were good signs) Just then Kaitlin sat down next to me
"Watch you looking at Alice?" She questioned me.
"Him" I stuttered dreamily nodding towards the perfect boy that had just walked in.
"Oh, Lucas Howard, varsity football jock,
Quarterback, and every girls crush, try someone else." She said.
Just then Lucas started walking over towards us.
"He is coming!" I said, trying to straighten my hair and bat my eyes.
"Hey Kaitlin, you gonna introduce me to your friend?"
"Oh right this is Alice."
"Hi Alice nice to meet you"
He stuck out his hand.
"Hiiiii" I said for a little to long then I should have.
Chapter 4
Lucas shook my hand and walked to the the other side of the classroom to sit with his friends.
"Smooth" Kaitlin laughed
"What! I don't have much experience flirting."
I looked over at Lucas and saw him talking to his friends. Probably about how clumsy I was. Great, another person that thinks I am a freak.
"Hello everyone my name is Mr. Crecre, I will be your chemistry teacher for this trimester"
Ok, I will admit his name was pretty funny and I definitely giggled when I heard him say it.
" Today you are probably thinking you are not going to have any homework and this class will be stress free, but you are wrong. Tonight's homework is to start memorizing the periodic table you will have a test on the first half of the table tomorrow. BE READY!!! I can make this be half your grade." Ok, this guy was intense.
" Um, Mr. Craycray-" said Kaitlin
"It's Crecre"
"Right um mr. Craycray" she giggled under her breath.
"I don't think this is fair."
"What is your name young lady?"
"Well Kaitlin you will find a lot of things in this class aren't " fair" as you say. In fact most of you will be lucky if you pass with a A-. So, I suggest you keep your mouth shut ms. Kaitlin and learn some respect from your teachers. Anyway, everyone will be handed a sheet with the periodic table. There again is a quiz tomorrow."
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Class dismissed!"
Ok, he was literally craycray.
Chapter 5
I walked out into the hallway were a stampede was emerging. I walk down the hall to my locker and punched in my combo. When the locker finally opened I shoved my books into the bottom and grabbed my backpack. According to my schedule chemistry was my last class on Tuesday. I shoved in my chemistry text book, my reading book, and my phone. Then headed towards to pick up line. I waved bye to Kaitlin on the way out. Who oddly started running after me.
" Wait, were are you going?"
"Home school is over ."
"No it's not, we still have algebra, and I hear the teacher there will make you wait in the hall for ten minutes if you are late . Then she will yell at you in front of everyone."
"WHAT!!!!" I screamed. I started running down the towards my locker. My heart was pounding out of my chest.
"Come on stupid locker... OPEN!!!" I screamed. I through my back into my locker and grabbed my Algebra text book. I shut my locker and started sprinting down the hall. Come on clock just a little longer!! I urged. Suddenly I looked at my watch. It was 1:00. The time Algebra starts. I turned into the hallway that my class was in just to see the door closing.
" NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" I screamed but it was to late the door was shut in my face and I had officially achieved my first "tardy" of the year.
Chapter 6
I slumped against the wall and buried my head in my hands. I looked up when I heard footsteps coming down the hall. It was Lucas. Great.
"So your late to?" He asked me.
I shook my head in despair. He sat down next to me and I tensed. About 10 minutes passed of awkward silence and random chatting when the door finally opened. I jumped up immediately. Out walked a old lady with gray hair and gray eyes. She had glasses that hung down over her nose and hair stringy straight hair was pulled back in a high bun. Her eyes slanted downward which made her look like she was always mad at you for something. She wore a pink shirt that was tucked into grey slacks and a black button down sweater hung around her waist. Ok, this is what a steriotype mean teacher looked like.
"So, this is my very first tardy party of the year huh?" She snarled
"Ms, um my name is Lucas and this is Alice." Said Lucas shakily holding out a hand. She shook it hesitantly and escorted us into the class room.
" well Lucas and Alice you will find in my class beining tardy is equal to getting a F- on a test in other words in is unexepable"
Ok, now she was coming in for the kill. She was searching for the words that would forever ruin high school for me.
Chapter 7
I looked around the classroom and saw Kaitlin sitting in the corner by the black board. I also saw Reena and Lann kissing in the front of the room. Gross!
"I am so sorry ms." I said trying to sound convincingly sorry.
"Just sit down" She scolded " You are so lucky it is the first day of school or you would already be failing this class" I sat down next to Kaitlin who nodded at me.
After a long boring lesson from Ms. Grey Haired Devil the bell rand and this time school was actually over. I gathered up my books and walked back to my locker alone. The first day of school was done and I only had 1 maybe 2 friends, and about 100 enemy's. I slung my backpack around my shoulder and walked outside . My house was about a block away, on a little side street named Douny Lane. When my house finally came into view I heaved a sigh of relief. I was finally safe.I walked up the stoop and found my little dog Libby laying on the porch couch.
"Well at least you had a good day" I muttered to her. She bobbed her head up and down as if she was nodding yes.
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