Teacher (T)- Megan
Students (S) - Vivian, Enri
Parents (P)- Braeden, Kevin
Principal (Pr) - Teresa
Scene 1:
T: good morning students, my name is mrs. Hogg and welcome to your first day of school!
S/V: Thanks mrs. Hogg it is a pleasure to be here!
T: Now today we are going to start by talking about some rules that we might want to have in our classroom, any ideas?
S/V: Ummmmm......KVKWKAKL.....or kind voice kind words kind actions and kind looks!!!!
T: Good now any consequences???
S/V: Ooo! Ooo!!-
T: Ummmmm, Enri!
S/E: Maybe if you don't do KVKWKAKL or what the teacher says you have to be expelled and then you have to go to the principles office!!!!
T: Good, that can be a good way to keep order in the classroom and is a good example of Legalism
N: Now we shift to Quarter 3 when Enri Vivian and Mrs. Hogg discuss how there rules and doing.
T: Well, welcome to the beginning of the third quarter. To kick things off let's start by talking about how our rules are doing in the classroom.
(Vivian's hand goes up)
T: yes Vivian...
S/V: Well considering 5 of 25 students are no longer with us if you know what I mean I think we are doing a pretty good job at keeping order.
S/E: Yea