Thursday, December 19, 2013

AHW 12\19\13

When we finally got there after about 1 or 2 hours of drriving I got out of our car and streched my back, legs and arms in the open area we were parked in.  I went around to the back of the car and grabed my gun and bullets.  To test it out I waled 13 paces away from the car and fired up into the sky hitting a innocent goose in my attempt.  Concluding that my gun was prefectly fine I walked back over to the car where my dad was waiting having already tested it. We set off. As soon as my feet touched the rich hunting soil I could feel all the power I had kept stored inside of me for 1 week being released as we set off into the forest unknown.


Today in class it was A&E thursday. But since we did not go to be media center yesterday we had to go today and I did not get to present:-(.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

AHW 12\18\13

Some people think that Bigfoot is a myth but not me. I know he is real because this is the story about the time I saw the mythical creature Bigfoot.
It was a normal Sunday, I woke up at 6:30 and had my favorite Double Chocolate Krave for breakfast.  Like always on Sundays I would go hunting with my dad for the weeks meals. We left a little earlier ten we did most of the time because we had a lot more hunting to do.  I stepped outside into the cold outdoors and let the breeze ripple through my jacket. I grabbed my gun from the shed I had made with my dad we I was a boy and climbed into our station wagon.  I chucked my gun into the back of the car as my dad started it up and we lurched forward towards the sacred hunting ground or in my case the home of Bigfoot.


Today in class we worked on finding credible resources for our debate pieces.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

AHW 12\17\13

Short Story
One day there was a man that lived in a tree. By night he was a dare devil and went parachuting off of air planes, but by day he was a coward. He would lock himself up in his room, and to afraid of his own shadow he would curl up in a corner and not do to sleep.  But this man was very straight forward and when there was something he wanted to do he would do it. Like, eating the most hotdogs in one  minute, climbing up Mount Everest, jumping off the moon, flying to the moon and being the oldest man alive. His name was Mr. Dering.


Today we learned a lot in class.

Monday, December 16, 2013

AHW 12\16\13

Short Story

One day there was a old man that sat on his porch eating a apple.  Now most people would think that this man was normal but in fact he held the key to the most precious thing in history. The goldan can. But the golden can was locked away under the city's fontain guarded by a hude Honey Bee and a man that had a shodow shaped like a monster and when you saw the creatures you would go running.  This man lived in a tower shaped like a castle that looked over the fountain. But he was always to afraid to go to sleep for the fear that a scary parachuting man would drop down and steel his beloved tresure.


Year-Round Schools
By Megan

No, I do not think we should year-round schools. I think it is not a good idea because we would have about amount of school we already have and it would increase the amount of money you have to pay to run the school by a lot.
Plus, I get tired of school and want to have more days off so I can go on vacation, go to the summer camps, and other cool places.  Superintendent in a year-round district agrees by saying '"take your vacation." Evidently, two of his three principals always take all of their vacation days. "One of the principals doesn't," he said, "and he sometimes looks like he's on his last leg."'
Year-round calendar with its many breaks offers more opportunities for kids forgot the things they are learning and it would also lead to not getting as much learning in at once as you do at regular schools. So I conclude that year round schools are a bad idea that should not be carried out.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

AHW 12\15\13

Short Story [made with Rory's Story Cubes]

Along time ago in a town not far from here a little girl named Kasy sat on her deck out looking the city.  The deck had a great view especilly at night when you could see the bright lights of the fountain in the center of the city.  Now Kasy was rich and had a lot of money, her dad was a time keeper and no it is not funny.  Now earlyer that day as she was eating a apple she got a letter that said she had to go to the mall to get her foot printed.  Back in those days everyone did it so you would know who was who and who didn't.  She went to the mall and got in a line behind a a turtle like man and a man like fish. She stood there all day and when she was done she went back to her house and went to bed exusted from the day she had just lived

Saturday, December 14, 2013

AHW 12/14/13

Another Kasy Story
It was my birthday, I sat at the kitchen table planning my plan of attack to open the presents that sat before me.  I would go smallest to largest, no, largest to smallest. Way did the decission have to be sooooooo hard I thought. "Ok are you ready?" my mom asked. I noded my head as I leaned forward to grasp the rattling present infront of me. Slowely I undid the small bow that held it together. I tore part of the raping paper off and opened the box. I nearly blacked out when I saw the present that was set before me. I leaned forward looking inside the box and let out a silent sqeaul of joy.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Today we had a spelling bee and it was fun.

AHW 12/13/13

Today is my B-day. I am in LA right now. I can't wait for tonight I am going to the Annie play.
We just finished the spelling bee and Vivian won! She is also playing July in the play tonight.  So far the day has been awesome and my birthday treat is sugar cookies with frosting on them and sprinkles. I can't wait!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Today was the first day of R&E Thursday.

AHW 12/12/13

Personal Naritive
It has been a crazy day so far. I woke up at 5:15 and I am soooooooo tired. When I got to school I was early and had no ware to go. It was a late start so I went to kids club. Then to make things even worse math was canceled and instead we had to see a live social studies broadcast (not that that is a bad thing.). Then we had lunch which I felt like happened way to early.  Just a few minutes ago we finished a Social Studies test which I feel like I did awesome on. Now am writing this piece which I hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

AHW 12/11/13

Short Story (continued)
As my great grandfather rose up before me and looked me right in the eye, his piercing gaze burning a hole in my soul he bellowed,
" Kasy Bethan Dargit do you know what you have just done?" I could feel all the eyes of my family drilling me. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I shot a horrible look at my pesky sister. He continued,
"you have just betrayed the custom that our family has followed since before I was born and for that I must sadly give you the worst punishment nown to man, Kasy you are officially banished from this and any Thanksgiving dinner from now on."


Year-Round Schools

By Megan

No, I do not think we should year-round schools. I think it is not a good idea because we would have about amount of school we already have. Plus, I get tired of school and want to have more days off so I can go on vacation, go to the summer camps, and other cool places.  Year-round calendar with its many breaks offers more opportunities for kids forgot the things they are learning and it would also lead to not getting as much learning in at once as you do at regular schools.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

AHW 12/10/13

Short Story

I looked at the plate shimmering before me.  It was like a all you could eat buffet at on place but I new I had to wait and that the magnificent feast would not begin till every one was seated.  But knowing that I could not bare it any longer I stuck my finger into my jello and pulled out the peaches my Aunt had put in the middle.  As I stuck my finger into my mouth I could see my sisters gaw dropping open.
"Kasy is eating!" she screamed at the top of her lungs I could feel all eyes turning on me and all at once I knew I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.

Monday, December 9, 2013

AHW 12/9/13

4 days!

4 days till my special day! My birthday! A am soooooooo anxious I could burst! But I have to be patient.  My birthday is special this year, it is on Friday the 13th.  Most people think that it will be a unlucky day but for me it I special!  On Friday I am also going to be in the Spelling BEE we are having as a class.  To make it even better I am going to see the Annie JR. play with my Girl Scout troop and my friend Vivian is in it.  She is playing a orphan named July.  I can't wait!


Year-Round Schools

No, I do not think we should year-round schools. I think it is not a good idea because we would have about amount of school we already have. Plus, I get tired of school and want to have more days off so I can go on vacation, go to the summer camps, and other cool places.  Year-round calendar with its many breaks offers more opportunities for kids forgot the things they are learning

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Today in class we read Battle Bunny! We also worked on our DRN.